
Literary Ethics and Politics: A Hospitable Approach to the Novels by Bilge Karasu


One of the ways to think about the relationship between philosophy and literature is hospitality. Hospitality, philosophically, developed by Jacques Derrida, passing through Emmanuel Kant and Emmanuel Levinas. Hospitality, defined / conceptualized by Derrida, is a thought that can exist in a possibility that is almost impossible. Ethics and politics are underlying thoughts of hospitality. This article, tries to think Bilge Karasu’s novels (Gece and Kılavuz) via Derrida’s thought of hospitality. The thought of hospitality can be handled with respect to both ethics and politics. The relationship between hospitality and Karasu’s novel can be examined on two levels. On the first level, traces of the thought of hospitality in the relationship between characters will be analyzed in Gece and Kılavuz by Bilge Karasu. This relationship will be examined both in its ethical and political aspects. On the second level, these novels will be evaluated according to literary hospitality, that is the novels will be examined by the relationships between the narrator(s), narratee, the writer and the reader. The ethical aspect of the hospitality will be thought related to Kılavuz and political dimension of hospitality will be examined via Gece. The main argument of this article is that Bilge Karasu have written novels that can be analyzed with the thought of hospitality and Karasu is a hospitable writer.


Bilge Karasu Derrida Hospitality Home-text literary hospitality