
The Main Parameters of the Turkish Foreign Policy and Middle East after 2000


Holistic assessment of foreign policy has always been a difficult task because of the multi-layered and complex structure of the international system and its actors. This very structure of foreign policy has led researchers to identify the guiding principles of these policies to be able to make consistent and measurable analysis. The purpose of this article is to look at the Turkish Foreign Policy (TFP), from a holistic perspective and identify some of its guiding principles. This study also aims to predict how the country will react in the future, and to provide functional data to develop appropriate strategies. To this end, the article will examine the foreign policy strategies Turkey has been following in the post 2000 New World Order. The article will analyze the geo-political, economic, and strategic importance of Turkey particularly for the Middle East which shares a long common history with Turkey.


Turkey Turkish Foreign Policy Middle East Justice and Development Party Parameter